Friday, June 8, 2012

Hangman Online

Hangman is game with many different versions available, online or offline. This game is a mind game with a large scope of category, meaning, any topic under the sun. This is quick and fun game to play, you learn a lot while playing. Hangman can be flash base or html and JavaScript game. I preferred  a hangman made up of flash because when playing a html and JavaScript hangman, the page needs to load upon clicking a letter which is definitely a delay or interruption for me. But when playing a flash based hangman, everything is already loaded and the game runs smoothly with simple animations.Hangman is game that never expires, until now many people still play this cute game. Some creators of hangman made online list of their top players. Other creators allow their hangman game to embedded to the site of their users for additional features and looks of their sites. 

This is a sample hangman video from youtube the Doodle Hangman.

This is a classic hangman configuration, a single player mode with three difficulties, the Easy, Normal, and Hard Modes. The cute thin figure is the trademark figure for hangman. Literally the game derived its name to a man being hanged as a punishment when you the player, was unable to answer the hidden word randomly given by the hangman server. Poor Mr. Hangman always dies like Mr. Hangaroo. Well lucky for them, they both have many lives on their sleeves LOL!

The Three Difficulties

The Easy Mode
This mode is definitely the easiest. Here, you have twelve tries or guesses. Basically the hidden words given here are short and comprise only of few letters. This mode is the best mode to start when you are not yet warmed up to play the two higher difficulties.

The Normal Mode
The Normal mode hangman is just the same as the Easy mode in terms of number of tries, they have the same twelve tries. The hidden words here are more longer and more harder to guess.

The Hard Mode
Of course it is the hardest mode of hangman with only six tries given for you to play and much longer hidden words to guess.

Hangman is definitely a test of mind strength, IQ and also patience. The game offers no clue at all and its definitely your instinct that make you won a game, a very short game but head aching sometimes, most of the times, LOL! Here is a welcome screen when you won and complete a hangman game.

Mr. Hangtime I mean Hangman gained a golden trophy and also escaping a tragic death. Lucky hangman! The next picture is also a welcome screen for losers and epic death of Mr. Hangman, LOL! The welcome screen will also give the hidden word after completing a game.

Sorry Mr. Hangman you've meet another crunchy player. This welcome screen also give you the hidden word that you are unable to guessed.

The game itself is a complete package in the sense that you will not won a game without thinking hard. Thinking makes you more intelligent and more flexible to accept new knowledge. Play hangman and you will enjoy this simple game for sure. You can use google search to find all available hangman games online. Watch your guesses or else Mr. Hangman will be executed!