Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tetris Battle on Facebook

Tetris battle is one of the hottest game under facebook. It is the current online flash game I am addicted to play. Well I am not that good enough as of now, only rank 33. I started playing this game a month ago even though it is old already on facebook. This game leads me back to my early ages when I was just a kid. The game called "brick game" wherein definitely where tetris was derived. Tetris is a game of either offense or defense. Well for now I am not quite sure what kind of tetri-player I am. I use 2 layers sometimes 3 as my offense in playing tetris. There are different kind of tetris game, we have the 1v1, 4v4, 5v5, and the marathon. I love 1v1 tetris game a lot. It is more competitive for me. Playing this game you will meet a t-spinner, s/z-spinner, 2,3,4 space blocks players. To make the terms more simple here are the sample picture I've made using marathon of my tetris account. But first check out the tetriminoes names first.

First, the 1 BLOCK attack. For this technique reserve the letter I by using shift and wait for the other I to come to combo 2 letter I's.

Second, the 2 BLOCKS attack. For this technique just pour in all the tetriminoes defending upon the situation as long as it fits for the 2 blocks attack combo.

Third, the 3 BLOCKS attack. For this technique just pour in all the tetriminoes defending upon the situation as long as it fits for the 3 blocks attack combo. Here you can put the letter J and L horizontally and combine the remaining empty block with the 2blocks and 1block tetriminoes.

Third, the 4 BLOCKS attack. For this technique just pour in all the tetriminoes defending upon the situation as long as it fits for the 4 blocks attack combo. Here you can put the letter I horizontally and combine the remaining empty block with the 3 and 2blocks and 1block tetriminoes.

Fourth is the T-spin, it is the most powerful offense in tetris. But the most difficult technique to learn. Here, you make and design empty blocks that shape the letter T. This attack is so effective that it brings additional lines to the opponent. Combined with any of the techniques above definitely you're a tetris god!

Last is the S or Z spin. Next to the T spin, here, you also make and design empty blocks that shape the letter S or Z. Combined also with any of the techniques above definitely you're a tetris god!

Well that's all the techniques I know as offense and defense. Right now I am practicing the T-spin technique. And hopefully got it used to it someday.

Some advises for those who are new in playing Tetris Battle:
  • Use a dummy facebook account first and not your main facebook account. Why? because since you are a beginner in the game definitely you loose often and your win/loose record will become terrible. The win and loose record is displayed after the tetris server randomly selected your opponent. Well for some this tip might not be important because they just want to play

DDtank on Facebook

During the start of 2010 I started playing this very cute and fun player-based 2D game. DDtank is an online browser game, this game is a very simple game to play which includes dressing up your character, learning how to aim perfectly, fortifying of armor and weapons, having husband or wife, having your guild, completing your daily tasks, and having "a lot of luck" (luck comes when fortifying weapon and armor - your success in luck and timing). The picture below is my own print screen when I was still playing this game.

DDtank main buildings (Please click the image to enlarge)

This building serves as an AFK (away from keyboard) function to gain experience for your character even you are away from your computer. But there's a limit to the time each player has to stay inside the spa. This varies to the two kinds of ddtankers, first if you are an ordinary player you have the time of 90 minutes to spend, but if you are a VIP minutes increases defending upon the level of your VIP contract. Note that to be able to become a VIP you need coins (obtained by selling items on auction house or buying it with cash).

My character inside the spa.

This building includes all the players and guilds ranks. Rankings are based on the highest attack power for players and overall wealth, glories and power of members for the guild.

This is the place to practice certain degrees of angle associated to have a perfect aim in ddtank. Basically the more aim you got to hit the target the more chances of winning sports fight, league fights and completing a boatyard task. And also if you have good aim you will never hear your team mate says, "NOOOOOOB!!" instead you will hear him says PROOOOOOO!!. Hmmm, the term noob here is simply for those player who has bad aiming and the pro is the opposite. Well for mine I am a high-angler and 81 degrees angle is my expertise. I also use 20 degrees defending upon the maps specially for the league or sports fights. Here are some pictures I captured inside the firing range. This includes 20 degrees and 65 degrees. You may have to memorize them if you want.

20 degrees angle with the designated strength

65 degrees angle with the designated strength
The firing also has some gifts for ddtankers when they finish a practice scene. Here you will earn medals (use to buy energy stones which are use for fortifying weapons and armors), energy stones and synthesize stones. Well use these gifts wisely because events here are not repeatable.

For me it is the most intense, nerve breaking place in ddtank. Why? because inside this building is the place where you fortify or upgrade your weapon and armors. The higher the level of your weapon and armor the stronger you gets against the other players. But the higher the level you got for your weapons and armors the lower it gets to have a SUCCESS on your fortifying. Currently the level of fortifying ranges from level 1 up to level 12. Fortifying up to level 7 is still easy. But above level 7 is not that easy. Well for my personal experience fortifying up to level 11 is easy, unlucky for me I can't get level 12. To bad! well here, once you got your weapon to level 10, the weapon changes its appearance from a normal weapon to a godly weapon. Also weapon here have two kinds, the e-weapon and the normal weapon. E-weapon can only be bought using medals and coins and has more attack power than the normal one. Normal weapon has lesser attack and can be bought using vouchers (obtain by completing tasks or selling items). I will definitely choose e-weapon since ddtank is a game that even +1 attack damage can make a difference. Here is a sample video of fortifying weapon. This video got +11 and +12, lucky man!

Here you can add friends or message a friend. It is the socialization building of ddtank.

Here the GM gives all the list of events that are available in a certain period of time.

This building serves as the market for ddtankers. Here you buy and sell items. Buying and selling here only uses COINS. I gained a lot of my coins here. I used the coins to make my weapon and armor permanent, bracelets and rings 365 days (two +3bracelets and two +3rings). Well you can also use the chat box to sell your items. You need to have a good selling mind to gain more income out of your primary coins, sales talk what I mean. Here you can sell, pearls, synthesize stones, energy stones, weapons, armors, rings, and lots of good stuffs.

It is the place where ddtankers faces monsters and monster bosses. It is also the place to hunt items to sell and to finish a boatyard task.

Here you play against your co-ddtankers. You can play either sports fight and league fights. Sports fights are fights you can do even without a guild mate while league fights are played with your guild mate. League fights are also counted as sports fights. Fights here can be 1vs1 up to 4v4. Well based on my experiences, I do single fights when the daily tasks are going to reset. You have to hurry to win or complete sports fights because the awards given to most of the tasks are medals, and medals are use to buy energy stones, while energy stones are used to fortify your weapon. League fights here not only benefits the player but also the whole league, the more league fights you play the more glories and wealth your league obtain.

My character during a league fight.

Here you marry a girl/boy ddtanker. After you got married each of you obtain a wedding ring which is permanent. This wedding ring adds attack power on your character. The wedding chapel also allows you to divorce your wife or husband, but you should use 5000 coins.

This is the place to buy all the items provided by DDtank itself. All items here can be bought using coins, medals, and vouchers. Items(items that uses coins) here are much expensive compare to those in auction house . Most of the player buy their outfits here. You also buy energy stones here. And if you are not that rich you can buy items using just your voucher.

Well one thing is for sure, different races and different ages play this game. It happened to the point that my guild master is an Australian also his wife. Most of my guild mates are Malaysians and Indonesians. Well I am a Filipino and all I can say, I've made a lot of friends only by playing this awesome game. The guild I joined is named Serendipity owned by Vokda and Tequila (pro aimers husband and wife in real life). We are found at Server 5 of the FacebookMMO Ddtank.

As of now I am retired playing this game because of my work. But one thing is for sure this is one of the most wonderful game I ever played in my life. And I will never regret that I spent money to play this game.

Frozen Throne DOTA

DOTA, which means Defense of the Ancients! is an awesome game. This game is a game that never passed away since I was 12 years old. I am 24 years old now and still DOTA is a game that is very popular here in our country. I first played DOTA during my college days. At first I never took the game seriously and thought it was boring. But as I play the game for days, wow! I was wrong and became addicted playing it. Here is an example trailer of DOTA courtesy of youtube.

The first hero I learned to play was Troll Warlord. My friend taught me this hero because Troll is hero that easy to play. His super skill the Rampage and the 1st skill are the only skill that I will focus to press during the entire game. The 2nd and 3rd skill are not that important. As a new learner of the game you are not used to press so many keys and my friend thought that Troll is the best hero to begin for me, not only easy to use, Troll also earn gold by farming and you are not forced to defend/push your lane all the time just to earn gold. Also, Troll is one of the strongest hero during the early map versions of DOTA. Really, a game changer and can kill all opponents when obtained all his designated items.

Troll Warlord (Jah'rakal)

DOTA is a strategy game. And playing it with 5 versus 5 players is absolutely fun. Being a team consist of 5 players your team must have coordination and must help each other to push towers of the lanes, kill the heroes of the opposing teams and must have a good reading of the opponent's game play. Individually but still playing as one team, one member must know how to adjust his build of items defending upon the strength and strategy of the opponent. Lastly team work will always be the key to win DOTA.

Playing this game is also tutorial in a way that Icefrog (the creator of Frozen Throne DOTA) has AI (artificial intelligence) maps. Though this map one player can practice a hero offline or on his own making the computer itself as his enemy. The computer AI's ability ranges from Easy, Normal and Insane. Insane is the most powerful and good AI. But still you can make an AI more difficult to fight by typing additional commands during the start of the game. Example if you want to fight an AI with a real challenge don't put NE (normal experience) and NG (normal gold) on the start of the game, just type AP (all pick) or type nothing at all.

Before, DOTA is only played offline in a LAN game. Now, DOTA has an online version which is under GARENA. Here you can access DOTA online and play DOTA with players worldwide.

DOTA here in our place is a source of income. Many pro players make this game as their job. They join tournaments with cash prizes, play a shop to shop game with money bet. Others like me, make DOTA as game to enjoy. I'm not that pro but I can play this game as good as anyone who played DOTA.

Fun for Online Gamers

I am an avid fan of online games. And next to that I play online games a lot! I made this blog to share all online games that I love to play which ranges from client based games, browser web games, flash games and so many cute, cool, funny, and interesting games. Since I was just a kid Red Alert and Yuri's Revenge are the first games I played which are offline games. Since then I became addict to play even over night just to make my character to level up, hunt items, sell items, and even chat with other characters online.

Basically through playing online games I manage to have many friends, locally and all over the world. Socialization develops here which improved my self-confidence. Playing online games also lead many youth now out of bad doings such as illegal use of drugs, gang and others. Many says that playing these games are bad. Many parents says that their child don't want to study and only wants to play. Other says these games are waste of time and money. Geez! they don't even look at the brighter side. These games can be an income also, by selling your accounts to other players. And regarding the study problems of many children, its still up to the parents to limit the playing time of their child.

Click to enlarge the image.

Playing online games is better than having a girlfriend. Like for example. Compare playing Frozen Throne DOTA on having girlfriend. For playing DOTA you only needs 10 pesos per hour but when it comes to your girlfriend even 500 pesos is not enough when you have a date. Just kidding, but in fact that's the truth! Well, for mine I can have both my online games and my girlfriend. It came to the point that now we are both playing online games and made us more closer to each other.